Hey everyone! Sorry about the long absence of blog posts lately. I haven't been making much time for Second Life this last month. But with that being said, I'm back and would like to feature this awesome beach outfit from Flippant! Flippant's Eddy outfit features board shorts with 6 different textures (changeable via texture hud), Flip Flops and Sandals for Slink feet, sunglasses, and an MP3 player armband (6 different mp3 player colors). This outfit is great for the beach or the pool - just don't forget to take the mp3 player off before getting in the water, haha! So whatcha waiting for? Pick up the Eddy outfit today - grab your surf board, and hit the waves!
Marketplace ✔ - Available on Marketplace
@ Event Name ★ - Available at an Event
Item Name ✪ - This is a common gacha item
Item Name ✪ - This is a rare gacha item